Weekly Report from the Board Meeting at Holman Prison 4.24.24

Weekly Report from the Board Meeting at Holman Prison 4.24.24

Governor Ivey set 5.30.24 as the execution date by lethal injection for Jamie Mills. Talking Points are at:

https://www.phadp.org/category/execution-alerts/ and most importantly, please sign the petition:

https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/stop-the-execution-of-jamie-mills-in-alabama/ Plans are already being made for a rally and petition delivery at noon on 5.28.24 at the Alabama State Capitol in Montgomery. So please mark your calendar and sign the petition! New evidence shows that Jamie Mills was wrongfully convicted and shouldn't be executed.  Equal Justice Initiative attorneys have filed motions to halt his execution.

The Alabama Supreme Court handed down a death warrant for Keith Edmund Gavin. We will keep you updated when the Governor sets the execution date.

From the Huffington Post: ”Last week, the U.N. secretary-general sent out a call for accounts and responses about the death penalty to use in a report on the controversial practice at the next U.N. general assembly. Hood and PHADP submitted letters to the secretary-general, but also sent separate letters to the International Criminal Court asking for a probe into the death penalty in Alabama.” Yesterday we shared with you what we submitted. Letters are also being sent to domestic and foreign individuals asking them to boycott Alabama. This has been an ongoing project for some years.

The outcome of the hearing of H.B. 27 was no surprise even though nevertheless disappointing. The vote was along party lines and as this is a red state….We thank all who attended the hearing! John Archibald a two-time Pulitzer winner for AL.com. says it perfectly in his opinion column “Juries don’t get respect in Alabama, so 33 people could die.”

“The Art of Resistance: Documenting Alabama’s Death Row” is a collaboration between emerging inside and outside artists that transforms the Alabama Death Row Archive at the University of North Alabama into a multi-media art installation. The exhibit will be installed at the Tennessee Valley Museum of Art in Tuscumbia, AL in May-June and at Lowe Mill in Huntsville, AL August-September.July is open for a smaller, pop-up version of the exhibit to travel across the state. If your community center or church is interested in scheduling a pop-up event to facilitate a discussion about capital punishment in your area, please complete the following form:

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1A-GEAjNpB-HQj6LGWTihp78eu_gfVbZo3nf8AhGdAwc/viewform?edit_requested=true Thank you, Dr. Katie Owens-Murphy!

We thank all who are working so hard and diligently to stop all killing in Alabama! And as always in closing, we thank all our generous donors who either gave by going to our website and using the “donate” button or who gave directly. Thank you also to all who took the time to read our notes, commented, liked and shared them on Facebook. Stay safe and be kind to each other!                                                                Esther

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