Anne Hall on Behalf of Derrick Mason

As Governor, you are an extremely valuable component of the justice system. You contribute compassion and grace to a system that is often unable to consider both. You have a tremendous responsibility of deciding whether to modify sentences when they do not serve the public interest or meet evolving standards of decency, or whenever the exercise of merciful intervention seems appropriate and just. I come to you now pleading for the life of Derrick O’Neal Mason, who is scheduled to be executed on September the 22nd.

The U.S. Supreme Court will hear Cory Maples’ case on October 4th. Derrick Mason’s case has some of the same legal issues. Also, the drug manufacturer of pentobarbital states that it is not effective as an execution drug.

I respectfully urge you to demonstrate mercy and compassion and commute the death sentence of Derrick Mason or grant a stay in light of the litigation before the Supreme Court.

Thank you for your kind consideration.


Anne Hall
Clarkesville, GA 30523

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Anne Hall on Behalf of Derrick Mason