Two upcoming meetings for anyone interested in learning more about the abolition movement and/or becoming more involved with the actions taking place around the state.
This group formed loosely out of the Matters of Life and Death Conference in February. The DPIC workshop was one project adopted. The other project is a “journey of hope” type tour to happen this Fall in the four major cities and some smaller areas. We would hope to bring speakers with personal stories and/or expertise about the death penalty to audiences who have not yet thought the issue through. The ad hoc committee has a meeting coming up at which we’ll talk about dates, places, people who could help, and any other issues relating to this project. Please come and share your ideas:
WHEN – July 10, 2 pm
WHERE – Holy Family Parish Hall, 1920 19th St. Ensley in Birmingham
We need lots of input and even more workers!!!
JAM (Justice and Mercy for All) and Project Hope to Abolish the Death Penalty are hosting a training session on how to discuss the death penalty in the most productive way. The Death Penalty Information Center in Washington DC has done extensive surveys and studies to find ways of approaching the issue that help to produce reasoned discussion. They (DPIC) are sending a staff member to Birmingham to share their expertise with us.
WHEN – July 16th, 2011, 8:30 am to noon
WHERE – East Lake United Methodist Church, 7753 First Ave. S. in Birmingham
NO CHARGE – if you want to learn better ways to discuss the issue, come to the meeting!