Redesigned and New Logo!

We are pleased to announce that has been completely redesigned, and by a unanimous decision of the Board, Project Hope to Abolish the Death Penalty has adopted an new official logo! We believe these are both necessary steps in displaying PHADP as a unique organization committed to the cause for which it was founded. We hope in the days, weeks and years ahead of us these will each become visual representations of an organization dedicated to achieving the abolition of all state killing in Alabama. 

The new website is designed to be a primary destination for all of your Alabama abolition and death penalty information. On you will find pages with information about PHADP and our board, execution alerts, On Wings of Hope, moratorium information, AL death penalty statistics and facts and, of course, ways to connect with PHADP and Get Involved! with the abolition movement. We sincerely hope you will check it out and come back frequently to stay up-to-date with all of our current news and events.

The new logo will replace one created years ago by Danny Siebert, who was fortunate enough to die of natural causes within half a year of what would have been his execution. A blessing. The old logo featured a dove and an electric chair, prophetically crossed out. Regrettably, the years have taken their toll on the clarity and quality of the logo as it was used again and again. These factors necessitated the logo be retired, however, we continue to be grateful to Danny Siebert and the service he rendered to PHADP, and it will always be a part of his legacy in the fight for abolition in Alabama.

The new logo carries on the imagery of the old in the symbol of a dove. Historically, the dove has represented peace for all humankind, and we affirm this as a human right for all people. Today it symbolizes the peace many have found, even in the cells of Alabama's Death Row. And for the future, the replacement of the threat and fear of death with the peaceful hope of life.

We also invite you to connect with us on Facebook at and "Follow" us on Twitter,

Thank you for your continued support, without you all our labors would be in vain.


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