Weekly Report from the Board Meeting at Holman Prison 11.27.24

Weekly Report from the Board Meeting at Holman Prison 11.27.24

We lift up Carey Grayson’s murder victim’s daughter and thank her for her words after the execution:” Deblieux’s daughter, Jodi Haley, approached the microphone and addressed the media.

“I don’t know what it is like to have a mother while going through life, graduation, marriage, children, hurts and joys,” she said. “I have had to experience life without her presence because all those opportunities were stolen from her.”

Haley said that “society failed (Grayson) as a child, and my family suffered because of it.”

“And we decide as punishment for his wrongdoings to take him away all of his tomorrows and all of his opportunities,” she said. “Maybe he would have had words of wisdom for someone to prevent another guy from ever returning to prison, who knows the positive impact he could have had on lives. Revenge, to me, an eye for an eye justification, is not right. We use that justification, but then in that same breath we say, ‘Vengeance is mine, says the Lord.’ We have to make up our minds because you can’t ride two horses with one ass.”

Haley said “to love, to forgive, and to rid oneself of pain and hatred are fundamental requirements to induce the change for a better tomorrow.”

“Murdering inmates under the guise of justice needs to stop,” she said. “State sanctioned homicide needs never be listed as cause of death. No one should have the right to take away a person’s possibilities, days, moments, life. I don’t know who we think we are. To be in such a modern time, we regress when we implement this punishment. And I hope and pray that my mother’s death will invoke these changes and give her senseless death some purpose.”

And here are Carey’s last words after the microphone was taken away: “After the microphone was taken and those in the witness rooms could not clearly hear him, Keeton said Grayson talked about how he committed a horrible crime and how sorry he was for it, adding that he had been sorry for over 30 years. According to Keeton, Grayson said he repented and that he was saved and knows God, and hopes for forgiveness.”

As we are now in November this year’s Christmas card list is up on our website. https://www.phadp.org/christmas-card-list-2024/

We thank all who are working so hard and diligently to stop all killing in Alabama! And as always in closing, we thank all our generous donors who either gave by going to our website and using the “donate” button or who gave directly. Thank you also to all who took the time to read our notes, commented, liked and shared them on Facebook. Stay safe and be kind to each other! And yes, tomorrow on Thanksgiving we too will celebrate the positives in our lives and hope you will too!                                                              Esther


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Weekly Report from the Board Meeting at Holman Prison 11.27.24