Weekly Report from the Board Meeting at Holman Prison 12.1.21

We plan to keep 1.27.22,, the execution date for Matthew Reeves as the heading of our Weekly Report. Mr. Reeves has an IQ in the 60s and is intellectually disabled. Mr. Reeves was 18 years old at the time of the crime. A neuropsychologist determined that "he has significant deficits in multiple areas of adaptive functioning" and because those deficits appeared before the age of 18, it was concluded that Mr. Reeves is intellectually disabled. You can find the Talking Points on our website http://www.phadp.org/?q=alerts and the petition at: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/stop-the-execution-of-matthew-reeves…

Alabama death row inmate Doyle Hamm who survived a horrific botched execution attempt by the State in 2018 died of natural causes. RIP Doyle!

We welcomed the news that the 3 white men in GA were found guilty of murdering Ahmand Arbery. Despite the video evidence of the murder many of us had not been sure how the nearly all white jury would rule. Our doubts demonstrate the widespread racism in the criminal justice system which so many of us have experienced. We hope this is a first small step towards “justice for all.”

A news release from the Alabama Department of Corrections stated that visitations will resume Dec.10th. There have been no visitations since March of 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic began. There will be severe restrictions in place and it remains to be seen whether a one hour visit behind Plexiglas. 6 feet apart is worth hours of travel. Of course It goes without saying that visits are important.

Once more we were honored to have one of our Weekly Reports published in the online Revealer Newsletter, November 21, Vol.10, Issue 11. Thank you Leon E. “Chief” Frazier! We wish the Revealer were required reading for all high school students and adults in Alabama!

Work has been continuing on the Christmas edition of Wings of Hope and we are glad to be able to report that we have been able to overcome the difficulties we mentioned last week.

Your Christmas cards are beginning to arrive and we thank you. Here is the link to the list http://www.phadp.org/?q=node/915 . The names are in no particular order and please know that every card you write will definitely bring holiday cheer to the recipient.

In closing and as always, we continue to thank all our generous donors who either gave by going to our website and using the “donate” button or who gave directly. Thank you also to all who took the time to read our notes, commented, liked and shared them on Facebook. You encourage us and make all the difference. Stay safe and wear a mask!


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Weekly Report from the Board Meeting at Holman Prison 12.1.21