Weekly Report from the Board Meeting at Holman Prison 8.25.21

We discussed the very informative article by Beth Shelburne entitled “Jurors Join Growing Support for New Trial in Alabama Death Row Case.” When it comes to the topic of jurors so many problems come to mind: the all white juries, the judge overriding the juries, information withheld from juries, jurors dismissed because of their race or profession and the question what is meant by the term “a jury of his/her peers.” We certainly appreciate the three jurors who came forward in support of a new trial for Toforest Johnson and see it as one more reason why we need to abolish the death penalty right now! A flawed system, and any system made by man will be flawed, should not hand out death sentences!

Our thanks and appreciation to David Person for interviewing our Executive Director for his Opinion piece “God-fearing” Alabama Plans to Use Nitrogen Hypoxia System to Kill.” The timing was perfect not only because we need to keep the gas chamber in the news because the state would like to shroud it in secrecy but also because only recently Alabama was found to rank number one as a so called Christian state as far as membership goes. Maybe one day Alabama will truly become a Christian state but at this point it has a long way to go and if anything it is giving Christianity a bad name.

The 2021 Arise Annual Meeting at which members choose the 7 focus areas will be an all-remote meeting starting at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, September 25th. We appreciate the supporters who have volunteered to represent our organization and vote for a death penalty moratorium. We have room for one more so please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to be one of our representatives as I have to submit the names and contacts to Arise by September 17th. Now more than ever we need your help!

In closing and as always, we continue to thank all our generous donors who either gave by going to our website and using the “donate” button or who gave directly. Thank you also to all who took the time to read our notes, commented, liked and shared them on Facebook. You encourage us and make all the difference. Stay safe and wear a mask!


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