Weekly Report from the Board Meeting at Holman Prison 9.28.22

We spent some time discussing all the different aspects of Alan Eugene Miller’s execution which was called off when the DOC ran out of time after numerous, painful attempts to access his veins. And yet they knew before hand that they would have trouble doing so but were willing to risk another botched executions. The State has said it would set another date.

On a more positive note we were happy to discuss last week’s event in Montgomery at the State Capitol where three different petitions were presented to a representative for Governor Ivey. The petitions addressed the scheduled execution, the gas chamber, and Pull Back the Curtain. The total secrecy surrounding executions has long been an issue we addressed but after the horror of James Jones’ botched execution and also the torturous and failed execution of Alan Miller last Thursday we are grateful that it has caught the attention of a broader audience. It is not too late to sign the petition!” https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/pull-back-the-curtains?source=direct… Please sign!

We discussed the various organizations which supported this event and their representatives who attended. When one of their representatives travels all the way from Athens, to quote our Chairman, one knows they care. We also were very pleased with the media coverage and how all it came together thanks to the great organizational skills of Death Penalty Action and its co-founder Abe Bonowitz. Thank you, Abe and our thanks also to the others who played an important part in making it such a success.

Our special thanks to all who voted for our issue, Death Penalty Reform at the 2022 Arise Meeting. You made a difference!

And yes, the latest edition of our newsletter Wings of Hope is in the mail. Enjoy!

In closing and as always, we continue to thank all our generous donors who either gave by going to our website and using the “donate” button or who gave directly. Thank you also to all who took the time to read our notes, commented, liked and shared them on Facebook. You encourage us and make all the difference. Stay safe!


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